R&D Mechanical Engineer

Job description

This is a full-time position in Vitrolles for a mechanical engineer in research and development. The engineer will be responsible for conducting research and development (R&D) activities, developing mechanical engineering designs and creating and implementing structural designs in Pierre-Carbone. The engineer will also be responsible for analysing test data to improve product performance.

Required qualifications and skills

  • Master’s degree (M2) in mechanical engineering or a related field.
  • Languages: French C2 – English C1
  • Analytical and research and development (R&D) skills
  • Mechanical engineering and/or structural design skills
  • Excellent problem solving skills
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Experience required with Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Modelling (CAM) software, such as: 3DS Simulia (Composite Engineering Role or similar), Solidworks, CATIA, ABAQUS
  • Experience of structural/industrial design simulation procedures/standards for product certification.
  • Candidates with experience in one of the following areas will be given priority: structural engineering simulation and testing, structural materials simulation and testing: experience in the identification, validation and calibration of steel, concrete and composite models.
  • Experience in one or more of the following industry sectors is an asset: carbon fibre composite manufacturing; building/maritime/bridge construction; power/energy plant design and certification; shipbuilding.

If you’re interested by this opportunity, please send your resumer and cover letter to info [@] technocarbon.tech

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